Control power and its significance in the energy sector

In the complex world of the energy industry, balancing energy, also known as control power, is an essential element in ensuring a stable and reliable power supply. At a time when energy sources are becoming increasingly diverse and the transition to renewable energy is becoming more urgent, energy storage systems play a crucial role in the provision of control power, particularly due to the increasing volatility of energy generation. But what exactly is control power and why is energy storage so important?


What is control power?

Control power plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability and reliability of electricity grids. This essential system service refers to the ability of consumers, generators and storage facilities to effectively balance out fluctuations in electricity consumption and generation. The aim is to ensure a constant grid frequency of 50 Hertz, which is essential for a stable and trouble-free electricity grid. These balancing measures prevent power outages and ensure a continuous supply.

International differences and challenges with control power

Control power plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability and reliability of electricity grids worldwide. Different countries rely on different types of control power with the common goal of keeping the grid frequency constant and avoiding power outages. These different types of control power vary in three main aspects: their response time, the duration for which they can supply energy and the frequency range they are designed to balance.

A key element in the efficiency and effectiveness of control power is storage technology. Storage solutions, such as battery storage systems, are particularly suitable for most control power requirements due to their ability to respond quickly to fluctuations and provide energy in a timely manner. This capability makes them a valuable component in energy management to keep the grid frequency stable and ensure security of supply.

In this context, INTILION offers its expertise to advise companies and energy suppliers on the selection and implementation of suitable storage solutions. Tailored advice can be used to set up optimal storage systems that not only help to stabilize the power grid, but also make economic sense. By offering solutions that are adaptable to various control power needs, from short-term frequency adjustments to longer-term energy supply, INTILION enables its clients to enhance grid reliability, optimize energy costs, and contribute to the overall sustainability of the power sector.

The role of energy storage systems and their benefits

Energy storage systems offer a number of advantages when it comes to control power:
  • Speed and efficiency: energy storage systems can release or absorb energy quickly, making them ideal for providing the most control power services.
  • Sustainability: As energy storage is often combined with renewable energy sources, it helps to reduce CO2 emissions and protect our environment.
  • Profitability: By providing control power, energy storage operators can generate worthwhile income.
  • Combinability: In addition to providing control power, the energy storage system can be used for other purposes, making it a multi-use storage system. For example, it can also be used to market electricity on the energy market and optimize revenues.

Why our energy storage systems are the right choice for your company

By integrating our energy storage systems into your energy portfolio, you can benefit from the advantages mentioned above while ensuring your business is at the forefront of the energy transition.

If you would like to find out more about how our energy storage solutions can support your business, arrange an online consultation with our sales team. We will be happy to help you and show you how you can achieve your energy goals.

Book your free consultation now

Conclusion: Harnessing control power for a sustainable future

As the energy sector undergoes rapid transformations, the essence of ‘control power’ and its efficient management is essential for the stability and reliability of electricity grids by balancing out differences in consumption and generation to ensure a constant grid frequency. With the increasing focus on renewable energy, energy storage systems are becoming more important as they can quickly absorb or release energy, making them ideal for providing control power. In most countries, the use of an energy storage system for balancing power requires prequalification, which ensures that technical and operational requirements are met. INTILION supports companies in the integration of energy storage systems and carries out the prequalification for them so that they can benefit from the economic and ecological advantages of providing balancing energy.