Commercial and industrial companies often have high peak loads in their energy consumption. When that happens, the output of used electricity reaches an unusually high level for a short period of time, usually due to production equipment going on line for similar causes. The grid fees to be paid for energy consumption of 100,000 kWh/a or more are made up of a kilowatt-hour rate (€/kWh) and a price per kilowatt (€/kW). Because the price per kilowatt is based on the highest loads over the course of a year, the fees rise along with a company’s peak loads.
An energy storage system can help you limit these peak loads, a practice known as “peak shaving.” To do so, a cap on the loads is defined. If a company’s need for electricity exceeds the cap, power is sourced from the energy storage system to avoid peak loads in grid use and reduce the grid fees for your company. After that, the energy storage is charged back up to a 100% state of charge (SOC).
Our solution can take up to 20% off your price per kilowatt, depending on actual loads. Under the right conditions, the solution also has the potential to reduce your kilowatt-hour rate by up to 80%. Talk to our experts!